(44) Philippine women comprise 87% of the women recently featured in a popular mail-order bride catalog. U.S.-ASIAN CONNECTION, PROMOTIONAL LETTER, Feb., 1993, at 1. Back
As the send-acquisition matrimony community claims that Asian women choose to be a lot younger than simply their partners, an enormous years disparity is going to be a good source of stress during the a relationship, and you may, ergo, a consideration associated with the residential physical violence
(46) A 19-year-old seeks “a lifetime partner aged 30-50,” while a 17-year-old “seeks friends aged 30 and above.” U.S.-ASIAN CONNECTION, PROMOTIONAL CATALOG, Oct. 1992, at 16. , Feb. 1993, at 1. See infra note 47. Some females advertised are as young as 13 years old. Paul Watson, Mail-Order Bride Firms Flourish in Canada, TORONTO STAR, Nov. 9, 1992, at Al. Right back
(47) Most men using the mail-order bride business are older and divorced. One industry brochure claims that “a[ ] pleasant difference [between Philippine and American women] is [the former’s] willingness to accept and often times their preference for older men. Many Filipinas prefer a man who is 5, 10, 20 or more years their senior. Many Asian cultures seem to have a great respect for older and wiser people.” MARITES LEWIS, & STEVEN LEWIS, HOW TO FIND A BEAUTIFUL, FAITHFUL ASIAN WIFE 16 (1991). See, e.g., Wilson & Daly, supra note, 2, at 95 (discussing large age disparity between, husband and wife associated with domestic homicide). Straight back
It is not unrealistic to imagine one collection organizations advisor younger female to indicate a desires for old men–the latest catalogs’ fundamental consumers
(48) These men typically view the women’s movement as the reason they cannot maintain satisfactory relationships with women. Henneberger, supra note 41 (stating that mail-order bride industry “was renewed, the brokers say, in the 1970’s, when men who considered themselves casualties of the American women’s movement began looking overseas for more traditional wives”). Promotional material for https://kissbrides.com/hr/blog/koliko-dugo-do-danas-prije-braka/ one mail-order bride catalog boasts a letter from a happily married “Marcus” who explains that, “[I]t is, easy to understand why so many European., Australian, and American men are going [to the Philippines] to select their wives. Unlike American women, most Filipinas are virgins up until the day they are married . Filipinas are more caring, loving, devoted to their husband & children, understanding, and responsible than American women . . . . They have much more concern for the family unit and are against the idea of divorce.” U.S.-ASIAN CONNECTION, PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS, Fall 1992 Update (claiming that the letter “is typical of the well over 200 confirmed marriages resulting from our service”‘). Such motivations appear to be shared internationally. One Canadian consumer of mail-order bride catalogs laments the “overly liberated North American females” by stating, “Filipino women still have a lot of the old traditions in them, eh? . They walk behind you where Canadian girls walk all over you.” A Canadian mail-order bride publisher notes that “[t]his female liberation has done a lot for the females, but it sure hasn’t done much for the fellow who’s looking for a wife.” Watson, supra note 46. In Japan, where some 20,000 mail-order brides immigrated over the last five years, “non-Japanese Asian women are popular with Japanese men because they are considered easier to control than their Japanese counterparts.” Suvendrini Kakuchi, Japan: Landmark Court Ruling Upholds Rights of ‘Mail Order’ Brides, INTER PRESS SERVICE, Feb. 21, 1991, available in LEXIS, Nexis Library, Inter Press Service File. In Australia, where one report claims that 20% of the immigrant women marrying Australian residents are Philippine, many men choose mail-order brides because of a “stereotypical image . . . of Filipino women as being domesticated and subservient.”‘ Kalinga Seneviratne, Australia: Filipino Mail Order Brides End Up Being Murdered, INTER PRESS SERVICE, July 20, 1991, available in LEXIS, Nexis Library, Inter Press Service File. Abuse of mail-order brides is common in other countries, as well. In the past few years, for example, there have been I I officially acknowledged cases of Australian husbands murdering their Philippine mail-order brides. Id. Straight back